Lots of men around the world are becoming too concerned with their manhood size. This is normal because men who are well endowed are more likely to satisfy their partner in bed. So if you're worried about the fact that you have a manhood that's smaller than the average size, the best option for you is to take those male enhancement pills. More on this: How to grow you penis naturally.
In today's article, we are going to introduce a little known method to increase the size of your penis. It's called penis exercise.
Penis exercise: how does it work?
The concept of penis exercise is analogous to bodybuilding. According to experts, a normal and functional penis consists of 40-50% of soft muscles. When you exercise your penis, you are applying pressure to stretch and expand the penile tissues. Over time, the tissues will expand and multiply. As a result, your penis will become stronger, longer and thicker.
Penis exercise is a rather new concept, and it may the reason why you have not hear about it. The earliest study on the subject was conducted by Dr. Brian Richards in 1970s. According to the study, men who exercised their penis observe average increase of 1.125 inch in length, and 1 inch in girth (Source: author Aaron Kemmer and Gary Griffin). Some later studies exhibit identical findings as well.
See also: How to grow you penis naturallyPenis exercise: what you need to know
#1. It takes time to enlarge your manhood. If you think you can get incredibly huge within matters of days, then you can forget about penis exercise. It takes at least one month of regular practice to observe noticeable gain.
#2. You should join a paid exercise program with personal assistance. It's to ensure you on the right track.
#3. In addition to regular exercise, you should eat well-balanced diet to aid penile growth.
#4. Practice the exercise with good judgment. Do not force the penis to ensure excessive pressure. Remember, moderate and regular exercise regime is the key to success.
#5. Prior to exercise, the penis should be lubricated with natural lubes. Please do not use shampoo or soap!
See also: How to grow you penis naturally
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