

Natural Way for Penis Enlargement

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ways to increase girth. Penis Enlargement Advice

Ways to increase girth

Ways to increase girth

Who else wants some penis enlargement advice? If you are anything like I was when I was searching for enlargement answers, your answer is probably " I DO", right? The simple truth is that there are so many different people and products out there offering conflicting recommendations on what you should ( and should NOT) do when you want to enhance your anatomy that it can grow very hard (no pun intended..:-) to make the right choices! Let's look at our cardinal "rule of 3" true blue recommendations for ALL male enhancement regimens. Read on..:-)

The Rule of 3 for male enhancement is that ALL of your efforts should include the 3 T's.

Tension, Torque and Technique. All of your GREAT gains, and your failures, can be attributed, more or less to these simple formulas.

Tension is very simply how much pressure you applying to the enlargement process. Each set of exercises you do, and even the pumps or products you may buy ( which we don't recommend) rely on tension to tear down and rebuild your tissue. Too much, or too little...could be the difference between super size, and unsafe injury! So learn this, and learn it well.

Torque? Just the amount of speed and velocity that you incorporate into your routine. Jelqing, for example, requires a finer degree of control and comfort from the standpoint of speed...and getting this right or wrong is ALSO of huge importance!

Lastly.....technique is basically the lifeblood or cornerstone of the process. I don't care HOW many exercises you do, if you aren't doing them aren't going to get great results! It's the same with everything else in life, why would it be any different with this? If you are going to invest the time in male enhancement, why not make sure you are doing it right! Right?

Ways to increase girth

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