Herbal male enhancement pills are some of the most impressive products for anyone to use when finding ways to get a better sexual experience up and running - natural penile growth techniques.
The primary benefit of natural penis enlargement is having a bigger penis, obviously, but have you considered all the things you can do with a bigger penis? If you haven't, here are eight things you can do with a bigger penis:
1. Use it as a hammer - Not that should, mind you, but with the harder erections that penis exercises give you, you certainly could. It's nice to have options!
2. Use it to hang holiday ornaments - Probably only a good idea if you don't have children or windows without drapes.
3. Use it as a convenient measuring stick - When you've got the extra inches that natural penis enlargement allows you, you might as well put them to good use in home repair. See also hammer, above.
See also: natural penile growth techniques4. Use it to keep your woman happy - or, at least, happier. Hey, you were thinking it anyway, so why not add it to the list.
5. Use it as a club to fend off attackers - It's a rare thief that won't run when a man is attempting to club him to death with a now gigantic penis. Safer than guns, too, although there is still the possibility of it accidentally going off.
6. Use it as an aid to break-dancing - Sure, it might hurt, but doing a floor spin with none of your limbs or head touching the ground IS pretty awesome.
7. Use it to tell the time - Granted, using your penis as a sundial requires a lot of time and sunscreen, and probably isn't the best use of a large penis granted by natural penis enlargement, but you can do it.
See also: natural penile growth techniques
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