How would you like to actually increase your penis size... without scary side-effects? Even more, how would you like to ensure you get incredible results... permanently? Read on to learn how to avoid terrible enlargement methods: All Natural Penis Enlargeent Pills.
It's really amazing how popular penis extension devices have become over the past few years, and while it has NEVER been my first choice for male enhancement, to ignore it's place in the market would be foolish. And considering I'm NOT foolish, and I trust YOU aren't either, I figured it was high time to look at some of the basics behind the phenomenon. I'm a huge believer in shining the bright light of truth in ALL of the things we write about in the Men's health universe, and quite frankly...this one is no different! So let's take a quick look at a few facts you may not have known, and hopefully, now that you DO, your penis enlargement practice will benefit as a result! Read on!
Penis extension devices do NOT work the same way as natural enhancement
This is TRUE! Natural exercises like jelqing are all about torque and technique. Moving blood from the base of the penis throughout the shaft and into the corposa cavernosa. Extenders, or stretching devices use TRACTION, to cause the tissue in the penis to become "stressed"...which in turn leads to the natural biological process of breakdown and re-growth. (much the same way it happens when you workout in any other area of the body!)
See also: All Natural Penis Enlargeent PillsStretching, or traction devices are a new and recent phenomena
NO...this is actually NOT the case! Orthopedic procedures use the principles of traction as do a whole HOST of other mainstream medical applications. The principles are sound, the application to the male anatomy is, while logical....a bit of a RECENT development! (no pun intended..:-) Interestingly, MANY tribal cultures have been using traction devices for years to lengthen their body parts in all kinds of interesting ways. If you've ever seen the pictures, it's strange...but very TRUE!
All Penis Extenders are effectively all the same
NO Way! This is a very important point, especially when it pertains to putting your most private parts in the trust of ANY device you haven't made yourself..:-) There are a wide assortment of traction devices, some most likely made in someone's parents garage...others made under the tightest and most carefully constructed medical standards. There is OBVIOUSLY going to be a difference in quality...and this is a difference you NEED to investigate! Note - there are only one or two MEDICAL grade penis traction devices on the market, and if you go this route...these are the ONLY devices I would recommend. Why? Easy! If I want the very BEST results, with the absolute HIGHEST level of safety, I'm not trusting MY anatomy to ANYTHING less! And I'm guessing you feel the EXACT same way..:-)
See also: All Natural Penis Enlargeent Pills
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